FERROVET+B12 (solution for injection)

FERROVET+B12 (solution for injection)
Ingredients: Vitamin B12 (cianocobalamine), Iron (III) hydroxide dextrin complex 
Application: Injection
Type of formulation: vitamins


Viscous transparent liquid without mechanical impurities, with dark brown color and a light specific odor.


Each 1 ml contains the active substance (mg):
- iron (III) in the form of iron (III) hydroxide complex dextran – 100,0;
- cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) – 0,1.
Inactive ingredients: sodium chloride, water for injections.

Pharmacological Properties

Combinated drug which action caused by its ingredients.

The medication has a high activity and provides rapid absorption of iron in the body.

Iron (III) hydroxide complex dextran complex stimulates the hematopoietic system, increases hemoglobin levels and increases the number of red blood cells, replenishes iron deficiency increases the productivity of farm animals.

Cyanocobalamin stimulates hematopoiesis, activates the synthesis of creatine, fat metabolism, biosynthesis of methionine, normalizes the process of digestion.

Vitamin B12 stimulates metabolic processes; activates the process of hematopoiesis, tissue regeneration, the synthesis of nucleic acids; restores normal blood lymphocyte suppressor; involved in the synthesis of methionine; promotes the formation of glycogen, mobilizes energy reserves; required for the formation of deoxyribose and DNA synthesis.


It used for prevention and treatment in animals with iron deficiency anemia, accelerating growth of young animals, increasing the total resistance, recovery weakened the animal after delivery.

Dosage and administration

The medication is administrated intramuscularly once in the hip or neck area at the following doses (ml per head):

preventive purposes:

- piglets (3-5 days of life) – 1, if necessary, this dose can be administered as well on the 10-14 days of life;

- sows (15-20 days prior to farrowing) – 8-10;

- calves, foals (3-4 days of life) – 4-6;

- lambs (5-6 days of life) – 1-1.5;

- puppies (at first week of life) – 0.2-0.5;

- suckling pigs, which will be slaughtered at an early age, to avoid changes in commercial presentation of meat, it is recommended to give 3 mL of the medication orally after 6-12 hours from birth;

therapeutic purposes (animals over 14 days old):

- piglets – 1.5;

- calves, foals – 6-8;

- lambs – 2-3

- puppies – 0.5.

If necessary, the same dose can be repeated after 10-12 days.
Shift the skin aside at the injection site to avoid the medication from leaking out.
In winter, before the administration, warm up the medication to 37-38 ° C.


Hypersensitivity to the components.
Do not use simultaneously with tetracyclines.
Do not use in animals with vitamin E deficiency.
Do not use in animals suffering from diarrhea.


The medication is used with caution in animals with E-hypervitaminosis., selenium deficiency or with intestinal diseases.
Case of overdose in animals may cause intoxication, hypotension, shock or death.
The slaughter of animals for meat as well as the  milk for human consumption – are permitted without restriction.

How supplied

Neutral glass vials of 10 mL, 20 mL, 50 mL, 100 mL and 200 mL closed with rubber stoppers and sealed with aluminum caps.


Dark dry place inaccessible to children, a place at temperatures between 5 and 25ºC.

Shelf life 

24 months.

After the first selection from vial, the medication should be used within 14 days and stored in a dark place at temperatures between 5 and 25ºC.

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