
КОКЦИДИОСТАТИКИ КОРМОВЫЕ ДОБАВКИ Птицеводство Бланк заказа Каталог Хобби

The development of a drug begins with our client demands of for it! All manufactured forms, filling and packaging are designed for ease of use in farms, as well as in accordance with storage and transportation conditions.

ANTI CYSTITIS (tablets for cats and dogs more than 10 kg)
Ingredients: nitroxoline, drotaverine hydrochloride, excipients
Application: Orally
Type of formulation: Antiinflammatory
Артикул: Anti Сystitis
ANTI CYSTITIS (tablets for cats and dogs)
Ingredients: nitroxoline, drotaverine hydrochloride, excipients
Application: Orally
Type of formulation: Antiinflammatory
Артикул: Anti Сystitis
DUODEX (ear and eye drops)
Ingredients: dexamethasone, ofloxacin
Application: ear and eye drops
Type of formulation: antibiotic
Артикул: Duodex
Ingredients: Ketoprofen
Application: Injection
Type of formulation: Anti-inflammatory
Артикул: Ketonil