Liquid from colorless to light yellow color with specific odor of the components.
Each 1 ml contains the active ingredient:
- ketoprofen - 100 mg.
Ketoprofen – non-steroidalanti-inflammatory drug of carboxylic acids group, propionic acid derivative. Ithas anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effect. Ketoprofen is a dualinhibitor of the inflammatory process. The mechanism of its action is connectedwith blocking the synthesis of prostaglandins, lipoxygenase and with anti-bradykininactivity and stabilization of lysosomal membranes, significant deceleration ofneutrophil activity.
Ketoprofen – is a painkiller that affects the central and peripheral nervoussystems, inhibits bradykininaction, the vasodilator and mediator of pain.
In horses, ketoprofen neutralizes the effect of endotoxins and preventsintestinal convulsions, which caused by bradykinin.
Ketoprofen is quickly absorbed. More than 98% binds to blood plasma proteinsand accumulates in inflamed tissues. In cows, the plasma peak-levels (8.025 ±1.9 mcg/ml) are achieved in less than one hour after intramuscularadministration. Significant concentrations of ketoprofen found in the synovialliquid and its levels is higher than in the plasma, and the half-life period is2-3 times higher than in the plasma. Ketoprofenis metabolized in the liver toinsignificant biologically active metabolites, and 90 % is excreted in theurine as glucuronide compounds.
Integrated treatment of cattlefrom acute and chronic forms of inflammatory processes of musculoskeletalsystem, respiratory organs and mammary glands.
For treatment of racing horses against acute and chronic forms of inflammatoryprocesses inlocomotor system including traumatic origin lameness, arthritis,arthrosis, joint injuries (sprains, synovitis), fractures, tendonitis, hooflesions (pododermatitis, claudication), after surgical inflammation. Symptomatictherapy of colics.
Treatment of pigs that suffers from MMA syndrome (metritis – mastitis –agalactia) conditions caused by acute and chronic forms of inflammation ofmusculoskeletal system, respiratory organs.
The preparation is usedintramuscularly or intravenously in the following doses:
Cattle: intramuscularly or intravenously once a day at the rate of 3 ml per 100kg of body weight for 1-3 days;
Racing horses: intravenously once a day at the rate of 1 ml per 45 kg of bodyweight for 3-5 days.
For colic treatment, a singleinjection is enough.
If necessary, repeatedinjection is possible only after an additional examination of the animal;
Pigs: once a day at the rate of 0.3ml per 10 kg of body weight for 1-3 days.
Cattle when injectedintravenously –1 day;
Cattle and pigs when injected intramuscularly – in 4 days after the lastinjection.
The withdrawal period for milk is not available and can be used for humanconsumption without any restrictions.
Do not use to animals withduodenal ulcer and hemorrhagic syndrome.
Do not use to animals withacute renal failure.
Do not use to animals withallergic manifestations to ketoprofen.
Do not use to foals youngerthan 15 days.
Do not use to pregnant mares.
Do not use to productivehorses whose meat is intended for people’s food.
There might be a swelling (upto 10 cm in radius) and painful reaction at the injection site, however, disappearswithin a week after treatment.
Do not mix the preparation with other medicines.
Do not use concurrently with preparations of carboxylic acid groups, propionicacid derivatives, diuretics, anticoagulants.
Neutral glass vials of 10-mL, 20-mL, 50-mL and 100-mL, closed by a rubber stopper and sealed with an aluminum cover. Secondary package: cartons.
Dry, dark, inaccessible tochildren place at the temperature from 5°C tо 25°С.
Shelf life
2 years.
The preparation should be used within 7 days after opening.