ENROFLOXVET 20% (solution for oral administration)

ENROFLOXVET 20% (solution for oral administration)
Ingredients: Enrofloxacin
Application: INJECTING
Type of formulation: ANTIBIOTIC


Oily liquidfrom light-yellow to dark-yellow color with an odor of the components.


Each 1 mlcontains the active substance:

- enrofloxacin- 200 mg


ATC vet classification code QJ01 - antibacterial veterinary medicinesfor systemic use. QJ01MA90 - enrofloxacin.

Enrofloxacin belongs to antibioticsof the fluoroquinolone group. Its mechanism of action is related withinhibition of subunit A of DNA gyrase (topoisomerase II) of gram-negativebacteria, which blocks the superspiralization process of DNA molecule. Ingram-positive bacteria, this process affects topoisomerase IV, rather thantopoisomerase II. Under these conditions, transcription and DNA recombinationin bacteria are blocked.

The products has bactericidal effectagainst Gram-positive (Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp., Clostridiumspp., Listeria monocytogenes, Corynebacterium spp., etc.) and Gram-negativebacteria (E. coli, Salmonella spp., Klebsiella spp., Proteus spp., Pasterellaspp., Bordetella spp., etc.), and also affects mycoplasmas (Mycoplasmagallisepticum, Mycoplasma synoviae, Mycoplasma hyosynoviae, Mycoplasmahyopneumoniae, Mycoplasma meleagridis, Mycoplasma iowae).

Following oral administration,is rapidlyabsorbed into the blood (approximately 80%) in animals with a single-chamberstomach and calves with immature proventriculus. In adult cattle, theassimilation after oral administration is low (only 10%).  The product is rapidly distributed in thetissues and after 1-2 from the oral application its active concentration in thetissues and body fluids is several times higher than the concentration inserum.

Thehalf-life of enrofloxacin is from 2 to 7 hours depending on the type of animal.In calves this period is 1.2 hours.   

The greaterpart of enrofloxacin is biotransformed in the body by N-dealkilizatsion and conjugation with the help of  glucuronic acid. Enrofloxacin is excretedprimarily in the urine, and partly - with bile. 


Calves(under 3 months): treatment against bronchopneumonia, pneumonia, enteritis, colibacillosis,omphalitis, salmonellosis, mycoplasmosis, which caused by pathogens susceptibleto enrofloxacin, as well as treatment against secondary infections.

Pigs:treatment against colibacillosis, pasteurellosis, mycoplasmosis, salmonellosis,atrophic rhinitis, enzootic pneumonia, MMA syndrome (mastitis-metritis-agalactia),caused by pathogens susceptible to enrofloxacin.

Dogs andcats:  that suffers from diseases in thedigestive tract, respiratory and urinary system, as well as skin and externalear diseases, wound infections caused by pathogens susceptible to enrofloxacin.

Chickens,chicken-broilers, turkeys: treatment of poultry that suffers from mycoplasmosis,chronic respiratory infections, colibacillosis, pasteurellosis, salmonellosis,campylobacteriosis and staphylococcosis, caused by pathogens susceptible toenrofloxacin.


Orally withdrinking water or milk in doses:

- pigs andcalves – 1.25 ml per 100 kg of body weight

- dogs andcats – 0.125 ml per 10 kg of body weight;

- poultry (chickens,chicken-broilers, turkeys) – 0.25-0.5 ml per 1 liter of drinking water.

Use the productat intervals of 24 hours. Treatment course: 3 - 5 days.


Hypersensitivityto enrofloxacin.

Do not use indogs in their first 12 months of life, and large dog breeds - in the first 18months, nor in pregnant bitches and sows and during bitches lactation period.

Do nottreat animals with signs of central nervous system diseases.

Do not usein animals with renal and hepatic impairment.

Do not uselaying hens producing eggs for human consumption.

Do not usein ruminants with functionally developed proventriculus.

Do not usesimultaneously with tetracyclines, macrolides (erythromycin), chloramphenicol,theophylline.

Do not useas prophylactic measure, or if  acausative agent with resistant strains was detected.

Do not usesimultaneously with the immunosuppressive drug “cyclosporine” or with itsanalogues.


Do not usesimultaneously with other antibacterial medicines.

Slaughterof animals for meat is allowed 12 days after the last treatment.


Glassampoules of 0.5 and 1 ml.

Glassvials of 50 and 100 ml, closedby a rubber stopper and sealed with an aluminum cover. Secondary package:cartons. Outer packaging – carton box.
Polymeric canisters of 500 ml or 1 liter.


Dry, dark, inaccessible to children place attemperature from 5°C to 25°C.

Shelf life 

2 years.

Shelf lifeafter mixing with drinking water - 24 hours.

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