Cats - Page 4

КОКЦИДИОСТАТИКИ КОРМОВЫЕ ДОБАВКИ Птицеводство Бланк заказа Каталог Хобби
Perfect VIT&MIN Omega 3+
Ingredients: Most highly purified fish oil, gelatin, glycerol, purified water, vitamin Е, vitamin А, vitamin D3.
Application: Orally
Type of formulation: Vitamins
Артикул: Perfect VIT&MIN Omega 3+
PerFect® Beauty
Ingredients: Комплекс эфирных масел
Application: Ошейник полимерный декоративный
Type of formulation: Уход и гигиена
Артикул: Нашийник PerFect Beauty
PerFect® TRIO Parasite Drops for Cats
Ingredients: Fipronil, ivermectin, pyriproxifen
Application: External use
Type of formulation: Insectoacaricidal products
Артикул: PerFect® TRIO
Ingredients: люфенурон, празиквантел, моксидектин
Application: перорально
Type of formulation: суспензия
Pregneron-VS (solution for injection)
Ingredients: Medroxyprogesterone acetate
Application: Injecting
Type of formulation: Hormonal
Артикул: Pregneron-VS
Proveravet (tablets)
Ingredients: Medroxyprogesterone acetate
Application: ORAL
Type of formulation: Hormonal
Артикул: Proveravet
Shotadin-VS (suspension for injections)
Ingredients: procaine benzylpenicillin, benzathine benzylpenicillin, dihydrostreptomycin sulfate
Application: INJECTING
Type of formulation: ANTIBACTERIAL
Артикул: Shotadin-VS
Ingredients: Sulfadimidine, Trimethoprim 
Application: Oral
Type of formulation: Antibacterial
Артикул: Trimeratinvet
Trimeratinvet tablets
Ingredients: Sulfadimidine, Trimethoprim
Application: oral
Type of formulation: ANTIBACTERIAL
Артикул: Trimeratinvet tablets
Tylovet 20%
Ingredients: Tylosin tartrate
Application: injection
Type of formulation: Antibiotic
Артикул: Tilovet 20%
Активіл ТАБС
Ingredients: BACTERIA Clostridium butyricum, Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus subtilis
Application: Orally
Type of formulation: Пробіотик
Артикул: Активіл ТАБС
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